Wednesday, July 11, 2007

With a little help from my friends (and colleagues)

Rene Bergeron, Associate Professor of Social Work at the University of New Hampshire, has assigned students in her Interpersonal Abuse & Violence Across the Life Span class to participate on my blog this week as a class assignment. Many of you, I'm sure, are familiar with Rene's work. She's done fascinating research on a variety of topics, including ethical issues in elder abuse and self-neglect.

Here's the class' assignment:

1. Go to the site and select one of the following categories (see the labels at the bottom of the page):
· Ageism
· Undue Influence
· Domestic Violence/ Gender
· Perpetrators with Dementia

2. Read the blog for that category and refer to any suggested articles/ readings/ websites to frame your thoughts.

3. You may either begin a thread by starting a new thought, or you may comment in response to someone else’s thought.

The students have the rest of the week to post their comments.

Readers, please join us!

If you subscribe to the site through FEEDBLITZ (see the box on the right hand side of the page), you will receive an announcement every time someone posts a comment. If you haven't subscribed, either consider doing so or check in often to see what topics are active. To read or post comments, scroll to the end of the posts and click on "comments." If you need help, let me know.

Only Rene's students get graded!

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